
Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Old looks New

It's good for you to watch over your closet. Yup that happened to me when I had nothing to do anymore at a night then I decided to watch over it. When I looked those old outfit for the first time, it looked so ordinary even it felt like I wouldn't wear those. But once again, because I had nothing to do that night, I kept trying those outfit and voilla.. by folded it in a few parts, it looks better even nice than it looks at the first :) So you could do something with your old outfit to make it looks new.

#Old Shirt+tanktop & Old bag & Old shorts jeans+tights & Brown belt & Yellow flats = nice :)#


  1. bagoos nyong! spatu koneng yg aku udah dekil de ekekeke, klo si mami liat bisa pengsan dia :))

  2. ihh punya imih juga sekarang uda rada2 ad yg kegores abis lumayan sering juga dipake kul, spatu laen uda mulai butut hihihihihi tapi tetep kinclong c kan c mami tea tiap imih pulang, spatu pasti di lap haha


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