
Sunday, August 21, 2011

Quote for rude people

I've seen people mocking others (in a rude way) or even something directly in social network. I don't think that it was something appropriate. Well I did that sometimes but not directly. I always try to make a hidden message, or at least not mentioning the things or even the problem bluntly. That's why I remembered with this quotation from a blogger, Evita Nuh

‎"And I just don't understand why there's people who correcting other people, like being different is somekind of sin, it's not. World wouldn't be a fun place if everyone thinks and acts the same, it would be simply boring. Why people judging others was weird just because they don't think or act like most of people? when we all know nobody's is the same."- Evita Nuh

Blog source : Evita Nuh

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Little b'day party :)

I was having a small gathering with Sisca and Ika, my shs mates on my house today :) Since last Thursday was Ika's birthday, me and Sisca planned a surprise for her. So we're not only gathered but also celebrated her b'day..

Here's the b'day girl..

Lomba 17an BIA St.Benedictus

*edisi spesial HUT RI (ceritanya mah :p) so I'm gonna use Bahasa for this post (even not entirely haha)*

Abis acara ultah Ika,, jam 3 gw langsung buru-buru ke Bina Iman Anak (BIA) St. Benedictus di kompleks rumah. Hehe sekarang kan gw suka bantu2 pengajar sekolah minggu di situ :) yaahh walopun tittle nya sekolah minggu tapi ni sekolahnya setiap hari Sabtu mulai jam 4. Ada dua kelompok kelas yang diajar, yang pertama itu TK sampe SD awal (kel A) trus yang satu lagi SD lanjutan sampe SD akhir (Kel B). Selain BIA ada juga Bina Iman Remaja (BIR) makanya gw di sekolah minggu mulai jam 4 sampe malem (gag tentu sii tergantung BIR nya hehe). Seruu juga ngadepin bocah2 haha #seumuransoalnya :p tapi kalo ada yang bandel langsung bingung kudu ngapain #abismasibocah.

Kebetulan hari ini tuh gada kegiatan mengajar di BIA tapi diganti sama kegiatan lomba buat semua kelompok #dalamrangka17an (17 Agst kemaren kan HUT RI #udatau) (#>,>)~~ Hoho trus kebetulan juga, gw ditugasin buat nyiapin hadiah-hadiah sama bantu-bantu persiapan lomba. Makanya gw jm 3 buru2 ke BIA soalnya lombanya mulai jam 4. Lumayan hectic juga si nglompokin hadiah sama nyiapin bendera buat lomba dll tapi seru siih hehe :p

Semakin deket jam 4, anak-anaknya udah mulai kumpul. Langsung deh mereka dikumpulin dulu di ruangan kelas BIA trus dibriefing dulu sama Ka Inri :)

Selesai dibriefing, pemanasan dulu di halaman hahaha bikin lingkaran besar trus nyanyi2 dulu deh :) #nyanyilaguBIA

Acara lomba yang pertama tuh lomba masukin bendera ke botol buat kel A.

Lomba selanjutnya lomba bawa balon berpasang-pasangan buat kel A.

#Which one is cutest?? hahaha they looks adorable :)#

Abis lomba kel A selesai, lanjut sama lomba buat kel B yaitu, lomba makan donat!!! arrgg enaknya #cobadonatcoklat slurrp

Kelompok B juga ada lomba bawa balon tapi caranya beda,, kelompoknya lebih banyak trus berbaris gitu.

Pokonya masi ada lomba laen juga (soalnya kel dibagi lagi jadi ada kel C) hehe abis lolombaan selesai, bikin lingkaran besar lagi trus berdoa pulang deh hheheheh..
#themesong : Bina Iman selesai, mari kita pulang, bye bye bye bye Tuhan memberkati.#

#Sorry for the pict quality haha my mistake for not bringing my cam d (i was in a rush :p) that's why i used my phone cam :)#

Monday, August 15, 2011

Hide & Seek

Fiuuu (#-3-)~~ have nothing to do these days,,that's why I just keep sitting in front of my computer, making social networks, blog-walking, random browsing. Ahaahaha me, bored!!
can't wait to go out again, play again, and do something stupid as usual haha :p
Since I have nothing to tell you today, I'm just going to share my old photo then hehe
this is one of my task on my previous subject at college, but this one is actually the failed one :p yups the task is to made a photo of me, but not only me, me with 3 others of me hahahaha

#the failed one, but I prefer this than the pict below hahahaha #

#photo theme: bullying at home :p my evil face looks so unatural, that's why I prefer the pict above, I looks a lot natural when I played hide & seek :) (kiddy, lame (#*O*))#

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Friday, August 12, 2011

The Colour of Clown & Balloons

I took another scene with Rani yesterday and it was fun cause I could play on the playground. Haha silly but it was nice for me :p

I also like this picture of the clown (there's a scene with the clown :p) that I took yesterday haha it looks so colorful and seems like something (don't know how to say it haha).

Here you are the woman & man behind the movie :)

#Rani and his brother, Ary#

#preparing the dolly#

#All the crew: Ary, Sandi, Rani, Rani's mom#

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

I ♥ Balloons

Like I said before that I join my friend's project (Rani :)), on last Monday, I had a scene take using balloons :D well I like balloons since I was in kindergarten. That's why I asked my friend to take a picture of me and the balloons hahahah really love the pictures :) and after had a scene take, I went to my friend's home, Thres :) yeaa we told stories and then I met her latest dog after Chiko.. Her name is Chloe haha still a little dog and looks adorable :) that's why I took some pictures with her since I have no pets at home haha my mom won't let any pets at home :p

What you could wear with your sneakers

I'm now join my friend's (Rani :)) project in making a short movie for LA Lights Indie Movie :) and few days ago she asked me to prepare some outfits which are suitable with sneakers. That makes me wonder, which outfit should I match with the sneakers. That things came out with this photo session ahahahah finally I've done a photo session again after a quite long time :p
So here are things you could wear with your sneakers :)

Combination between boyish & girly looks :p
#Suddenly Sudden's Tee, Creme lacey skirt, Old white sneakers#
(check out the link: Suddenly Sudden full of fab tee & others :))

#Suddenly Sudden's Tee, Mom's turquoise outerwear, Old short jeans, Black tights, Old white sneakers#

Ball et looks :p
#White tank, Turquoise sheer lacey tank, Elephant necklace, Mom's turquoise outerwear, Creme lacey skirt, Old white sneakers#

Kiddie looks (looks like a junior high student's outfit) :p
#Ruffles tank, Red cardigan, Old short jeans, White socks, Old white sneakers#

#Ahaaha my mistake, for had taken this looks with my sneakers but none of it looks as great as this, so just imagine that this looks is using a sneakers :) (stupid me :p)#
#Plaid shirt, White tank, Black short, Plaid wedges#

Foods During My Long Holiday

Aaaahh I miss blogging :D Yeaa since my blogger couldn't post images lately, I stopped blogging for several months (-3-)~~ but finally I'm back yeaa... I've got plenty things to tell because it's actually my longest holiday ever hahahaha... I've been in my long holiday since last June and it's all about playing with old friends and hibernation of course ahahaahah.. I feel glad for this holiday because I didn't feel bored like I used to :)

The first story about my holiday is about foods during my holiday esp. my own creation :D yup, when I was in my spare time & had nothing to do, my mom asked me to cook, but don't think that I'm good at this field haha I only cook the simple ones. So this is some food I used to cook :)

#umm crispy shrimp, nyummy haha actually want to presentate it like a chef at the first but ended with silly decorative food like that but I love it (as silly as me of course haha) :)#

#next is the most simple food I often make haha I don't know what to call it but I usually call it 'martabak mie' yupp the easiest way to eat instant noodles in different form :P#

#after the main dishes, we'll go to the desserts :) and this is my favorite, mini pancake with any topping haha depend on moods :p#

#ok this one is not my creation haha this is my mom's, macaroni !! yeaa must be delicious haha just see how many slices I already ate :)#

#next one is about biscuits hahah who wouldn't like Hello Panda, and my sist bought me
cookies & cream flavor. it tastes better than the chocolate :)#

#I also did a little experiment :)#

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