
Saturday, January 29, 2011

My Wonder Cartoon on Space Toon :D


Hehehe sekarang lagi suka nonton The Sneezing Magician di Space Toon, gatau c judul aslinya apa tapi dari Space Toon nya kaya gtu judulnya. Pokonya tiap Senin-Jumat jam stg7 apa jam 7 malam gtu adu lupa, yang pasti abis Asari Chan hahahaha (^0^)

Jadi ceritanya ada jin lampu, namanya c Hatsu. Sesuai namanya dia cuma bisa keluar dari lampu ajaibnya kalo ada orang bersin (beda kan kaya jin pada umumnya wkwk) bedanya lagi dia itu rada-rada oon, hihihi biarpun jin tapi keinginan tuannya pasti gada yang berhasil haha dodol. Nah yang biasa jadi tuannya itu anak cowo yang namanya Ken Chan (kencan???).
Tapi gag ngerti juga soalnya tu lampu ajaib isinya ga cuma dia doank, ada lagi jin cewe kecil. Tapi jin cewe ini beda, dia bisa keluar kalo ada orang lagi nguap (ada-ada aja yaa ni cerita hihi). Lupa deh namanya siapa haha nah kalo jin cewe ini lebih pinter dari si Hatsu. Ada juga ni hal yang paling gw suka dari si Hatsu, yaitu pas si Hatsu mau ngabulin permintaan tuannya, pasti sebelomnya ada magic spell yang wajib diucapin. Magic spell nya kaya gini "Arobin Dobin Hage Chobin, bla bla bla.." wkwkwk love the magic spell :D

Pokonya di setiap ending cerita pasti bukannya permintaan tuannya dikabulin, yang ada dia slalu bikin susah tuannya makanya suka dimarahin. Tapi justru itu yang bikin lucu hohoho.


Nah cerita Asari-Chan juga pasti ditonton setengah jam sebelom The Sneezing Magician hehe ceritanya tentang anak cewe yang namanya Ashari. Dia tinggal sama papa, mama, & kakaknya yang namanya Tatami. Ini juga ceritanya konyol gitu haha soalnya kelakuan si Ashari suka bodoh, mana suka berantem sama kakak & mamanya. Pokonya lucu apalagi ada anjing yang mukanya sama kaya Ashari, uda gitu kuping anjingnya kaya iketan rambut Ashari.

Malah pernah ada episode Ashari dikejar-kejar hantu wanita. Kata hantu wanitanya, Ashari mirip banget sama anaknya (yang juga uda jadi hantu) yang ilang. Tapi ternyata anak hantu itu mukanya jelek banget, sampe si Ashari nagis gara-gara dibilang mirip sama anak itu hahahaha.


Cerita Ge Ge Ge No Kitaro juga seru tapi yang ini bukan cerita bodoh-bodohan hehe cerita tentang hantu. Kartun ini tiap Sabtu-Minggu jam 9 malam huhu tapi hari ini lupa nonton. Pantes tadi kayanya ada apa gitu yang harus ditonton hari Sabtu err. Ceritanya ini tentang Kitaro, hantu yang baik yang suka ngebasmi hantu-hantu jahat. Jadi dia tuh kaya ngelindungin manusia dari hantu jahat. Kalo liat ada bola mata di kepalanya, itu tuh hantu papanya. Dia juga punya geng hantu-hantu baik gitu. Macem-macem sampe lupa namanya, yang pasti ada hantu kertas yang bisa dipake buat terbang, ada hantu batu, ada hantu kakek-kakek, nenek-nenek, hantu cewe, dan ada juga temennya yang suka bikin ulah. Malah suka gabung juga sama hantu yang jahat. Dia itu si hantu tikus, yang pake kerudung emas. Kitaro juga punya temen cewe manusia. Namanya, lagi-lagi lupa. Soalnya namanya susah-susah hhe.

Cerita Kitaro ini seru soalnya suka cerita tentang legenda hantu-hantu Jepang jadi kita bisa tau legendanya. Trus yang gw suka itu themesong nya haha lucu ajah :P


Nah kalo yang ini Rocky Rackat, cerita tentang musang ajaib yang namanya Pokonyaang. Haha ini sih uda suka dari lama banget sampe ceritanya sekarang uda ga ditayangin lagi di Space Toon. Yang bikin lucu itu si Pokonyaang soalnya sesuai sama namanya, tiap ngomong satu kalimat pasti ujungnya ditambahin kata "nyaang." Misalnya : "Aku kan mau pergi ke situ, nyaang. Memangnya Miki mau ke mana, nyaang?"

Nah yang pelihara si Pokonyaang itu anak cewe yang namanya Miki. Tiap Miki ada kesusahan, Pokonyaang suka bantuin. (walopun suka ga beres juga si haha) Caranya dengan nyebutin magic spell kaya Hatsu tapi beda magic spellnya. Kalo Pokonyaang kaya gini "Pon, poko poko, hen pokorino.. Nyaanggg!!! Migi (beda-beda tergantung yang mau dilakuin haha) pokorin!!"

#Scene when Pokonyaang did his magic spell :)#

Miki punya temen yang namanya Kikunosuke, Suzaku, sama adiknya Suzaku yang namanya Yuu. Si Yuu ini suka banget gangguin Pokonyaang soalnya dia curiga kalo Pokonyaang bukan musang biasa. Kan kalo di depan orang lain, Pokonyaang cuma bisa nyaang nyaang doank biar kesannya musang biasa padahal bisa ngomong kalo sama Miki hehe. Miki juga punya kakek yang rada galak uda gitu rada sensi lagi sama si Pokonyaang haha. Tingkah si Pokonyaang pokonya lucu deh suka ada-ada ajah.


Kalo Max & Rubby sebenernya lebih buat anak-anak si haha tapi suka lucu ajah sama kelakuan si Max (kelinci cowo, adiknya kelinci cewe yang namanya Rubby) yang belom bisa ngomong. Dia cuma bisa ngulang-ngulang kata yang hari itu diucapin kakaknya. Dia suka bandel juga tapi seringnya dari kebandelan dia jadi ngebantuin kakaknya Rubby. Tapi yang aneh dari cerita ini, mereka gag punya papa mama jadi mereka cuma tinggal berdua. Paling kadang-kadang neneknya yang tinggal sekomplek suka jenguk. Rubby juga punya temen cewe yang suka diajak maen boneka. Mereka juga ikut klub pramuka gitu, nah Max suka gangguin kegiatan mereka :)

Selain kartun-kartun di atas, masih banyak sih yang suka ditonton kaya Sylvanian Families hehe yup itu versi kartun boneka Sylvanian Families yang pernah gw post sebelumnya. Itu ceritain anak-anak yang bisa masuk ke hutan Sylvanian lewat mimpi mereka. Jadi biasanya sebelum pergi, anaknya ketemu dulu sama kakek-kakek trus abis ngobrol sama kakeknya anak itu disihir jadi kecil. Lagi-lagi ada magic spell nya cuma yang ini rada bodoh haha kaya gini "Berubahlah menjadi kecil, lebih kecil, paling kecil." Akhirnya anaknya menyusut trus masuk pintu ajaib yang kecil deh buat ke hutan Sylvanian. (mirip scene di Alice in Wonderland)

Biasanya di hutan Sylvanian kebetulan ada masalah gitu jadi anaknya bantuin mereka deh. Musuh utamanya grup kelelawar sama buaya. hehe yang ini juga lebih ke cerita anak-anak tapi lumayan juga.

Pict Source : Google

Friday, January 28, 2011

Yeayy New Haircut :)

I've got my new haircut today yeaayy and it's a real cut :) It's been so long since my last real haircut when I was in 11th grade (I mean I still cut my hair regularly but just to tidy it up, never cut it this much haha) cause I used to like my very long hair. But since my hair had been too long and very irritate me so I decided to cut it off. Very pleased for the result :)
After having a haircut, I went to shop some groceries haha I brought about 2 plastic bags. Big and heavy of course since my Mom has listed many things :) well there's mine also hehe
Btw I'm in my holiday now, 2 weeks only for this smt. Well it's too short for me :P haha this holiday, just wasting time in front of TV or compt. So silly but nothing to do.

#White shirt, Fringe shawl, Short Jeans, Red Shoes#

#Relaxed in front of the mirror :)#

Friday, January 14, 2011

(: gossip gossip :)

The meeting between me and my friends yesterday finally done well yeay long time no see made us had a lot of gossip to tell haha girls! It actually rained hard at the morning but nothing could mess up the meeting :) thanks God it stopped when I went out with Ika to go to Siska's house. As we arrived there, Inggrid was already coming. I didn't know that she would come at that time but that's good cause it made the meeting had more people since Ina couldn't come :( (hope later you could join us, Ina :) )

We shared a lot of story, we also ate together, we laughed together again, and didn't forget to take pictures of course hahaa.. We were gathered from around 10.30 at the morning until 06.00 at the noon :D That's why I've just posted it now cause I was already tired to edit the photos haha but yesterday was really fun.
So here's our plenty pict.
#gossip gossip :P#

#aaargg, pretended that we were going to crash something haha#

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

My Stupidity on My Tooth Extraction

I've got nothing special to tell for today actually. I only have a story about my tooth extraction hihi so silly isn't it? Well it's all because of my bad habit for always consume any sweet foods, on the midnight also (the worse thing haha) (^W^)~ but it glad me so since I had gone there two times with almost 2 hour waited and without any result because the doctor said that my tooth was still not in a good condition. Finally today, after took many capsules to eat about a week, I had my tooth extraction yeeyy \(^O^)/

Well firstly it felt a little bit hurt when the doctor injected an anesthetic to my gum. Yeaa she injected it not only once but I guess about three times grr it made me scream a little bit haha stupid. Then I came out the room and waited for a moment to let the anesthetic worked. Yeaa and it worked fast since I felt strange about my gum and tongue. It freeze :P After the nurse called me to enter the room, the extraction process begun. Well I kinda shaky at that time haha I just couldn't imagine how she will pull up my tooth. yaiiks. But actually it wasn't hurt at all, it just me the dummy scared a lot until the doctor told me to be relaxed haha and voila the process just took a minute I guess and it wasn't hurt. :) The last thing she did just put a cotton into my gum to stop the bleed. But still I just could bite the cotton, standing still, and couldn't stop shaky haha how shame is that. Phew but my story hasn't ended that way. I should keep consuming some capsules this whole week and come back after that to...
yupp I have two tooth to pull up haha because it already has a big hole inside hikss that's really annoying me when both of them always make me had a toothache. So once again, me consume those capsules. Hate that actually because consuming antibiotics also makes me stop to consume milky things :( hikss

Just wish me to get well soon :)

Tomorrow morning I'll have my fave breakfast,,
yeayy chicken porridge!!
Haha I still couldn't eat normally now mumuumu
and of course no sweet food to consume..

But I can't wait to go to Siska's house tomorrow with Ika (but I don't know wether Ina could come or not :) she's kinda busy lately), yeayy we'll going to have a lot of gossip haha miss them so much cause it was a long time since we met each other. Yup they were my classmate on my highschool but me and Siska had been in the same school since elementary school while Ika since junior high and Ina since senior high. Wait me dear friends :)

#From left to right : Siska, Me, Ika, and Ina, still in uniform haha :D#

Well good night for today, hope I'll have another stupidity to tell haha :P
{ God Bless You }

Sunday, January 9, 2011

The Wonder of Sylvanian Families

This is story about few weeks ago when I accidentally went to Toys City :) Yeaa, I found the Sylvanian Families 0(>3<)0 wew want it so bad but since I saw the price tag, well I guess I'll just collect the pictures first hahaha but guess what, yesterday I found this wondertoys on TV. Yup it actually a cartoon show and I saw it on Space toon at half to three. Du di du, I like the Sylvanian Families so bad :)
A house for everyone

Just love the babies :) (Baby squirrel, baby panda, baby cat, and baby Dalmatian dog)

Babies on the nursery

The packaging

Cleaning the restroom

The twins baby sheep, my fave no. 1

The twins baby hedgedog, my fave no. 2

The baby Persian cat, my fave no. 3
The Meerkat baby :P

The little monkey has her gymnastic time

The Sylhoney Bear family

Pict source: Google

Friday, January 7, 2011

Just My Imagination :)

These were taken last week on Sunday before I went to a wedding ceremony haha while I was waiting the time to go, I took pictures :P and look I've got my new bangs :)

#White Tee, Stripey peplum skirt (stripey, again :P), White hand bag, White Heels#

Today's thought:

"Want to go back once more to my past time 4 years ago and
never come back
to this present time"

I don't know but I've got a lot more pleasure things on my highschool moments as I ever said before on my last post. Well I'm not saying that I never feel happy on my place now but generally it has a different atmosphere. I can't explain further but for sure I feel like I'm not exist, like a ghost without anyone could see. Hey I really hate the time I should keep silent without saying anything and doing anything errr (-.-*) but know what? I'm having that moment very often on my place now. That's because I'm invisible.

I also can't play as dumb as I used to yup I mean in my place now everyone seems to be an adult. There's no kids around. No kids to play with. That's sucks because I'm not an adult yet (seems a denial but actually I'm not mature enough). I don't wanna play role as a high class adult, no! But that's why I become an alien on that place. A crap that seems totally different than others. Well the only way for me to keep blended is just keep silent.

I've been trying to adjust but still sometimes I feel bad about this. It's not my fault for not being mature like them, right. For my 12 years time at my previous time, I've never been like this before. Even I'm still the crap but everyone still could see me well. I was totally happy esp for having a lot of time to play and to laugh. But I'm not saying that everyone in my previous place are kids also. Perhaps my point is that even they aren't kids but they still could play with me which is still kids.

I guess the problem is that I am a quite uncommunicative person. I rarely speak on the first meet. That's why people also don't want to speak with me. Well I'm just guessing :) but I could tell I'm more uncommunicative at my past but they still want to speak with me. They still see me as a person. Not like today on my place even I have tried so hard to speak, they still don't want to see me. That's kind of ironical things always make me wandering why.

I used to know lot of people on my past and we used to greet each other, well not always but usually (Is that way too much?). But now I just know few people there and even we're in the same place for months, it doesn't mean that they know me or even see me while we meet. That's awful, for me. That's why I just want to go back my school time. The best place for 12 years, Budi Mulia.

I don't know whether my post today is way too much but it's all just things on my head. Things which is yelling to come out. Well if those things are, let's say that those are just my imagination :)

Playing : Boyz II Men-Just My Imagination

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

My Chocolate Pudding with Milky Sauce Recipe

Yeaa, I promise to post my chocolate pudding with milky sauce recipe on my previous post hehe and today I'll give u one, it's so simple and I have been made it since I was a kid (^3^) I guarantee that it will be delicious. Let's try then :)
Ok first let's prepare the ingredients,
These are products that I usually used but it's ok if you have a different taste :)


for the chocolate pudding

1 pack of plain agar-agar powder
3 1/2 small glass of plain water
(or could be adjusted as told in the agar-agar powder instruction)
3/4 can of full cream sweetened condensed milk
(or could be adjusted with your taste)
6 tablespoon of chocolate powder
1/2 teaspoon of salt
1/4 teaspoon of vanilla essence

for the milky sauce

4 small glass of plain water
(I always make a plenty of milky sauce :P)
1/4 can of full cream sweetened condensed milk
(or could be adjusted with your taste)
6 tablespoon of full cream milk powder
2 tablespoon of coconut milk
1/2 teaspoon of salt
1/4 teaspoon of vanilla essence
3 tablespoon of maesena flour


for the chocolate pudding
First, pour the water into the pot then added the full cream sweetened condensed milk but make sure that you added it slowly and don't forget to try it first to avoid the taste become too sweet. :) (the sweet taste should be one point sweeter than the taste you usually used for drink milk because when the pudding already in the fridge, the taste won't be as sweet as it before)
Second, pour the chocolate powder into a bowl then added a small amount of hot water just to make it become a chocolate pasta.
Third, pour the chocolate pasta into the pot and stir it until it mixed well.
Fourth, added the agar-agar powder, the salt and the vanilla essence to make it perfect :D
Fifth, Boiled the mixture while keep stir it gently. (The tips : you have to keep stir it until it boiled :) )
Sixth, After the mixture boiled, keep it warm then pour it into the mould and the last part is put it in the fridge.
for the milky sauce
First, pour the water into a smaller pot then added the full cream sweetened condensed milk and just like the pudding mixture, make sure that you try it first to make it in a appropriate taste.
Second, add the milk powder, coconut milk, salt, and the vanilla essence to the mixture then stir it mixed well.
Third, pour the maesena flour into a smaller bowl and stir it with a small amount of water.
Fourth, boiled the mixture and don't forget to keep stir it gently.
Fifth, when the mixture seems to be boiled, pour the maesena pasta into the mixture then stir it until it boiled.
Sixth, Put the milky sauce into the fridge.
Tadaaa,,, here you are the chocolate pudding with milky sauce..

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Let's have Midnight Snack!

My delicious x'mas gift :) just pour a glass of milk tadaa a yummy midnight snack! But still couldn't have it too much or my toothache will be back :( haha talk about my x'mas gift, my Mom also bought me and my Sist gift which is a super shoes hehe loves it (^3^)...

Thank u dear Mom !

Monday, January 3, 2011

Stripey on New Year!

#Stripey jumpsuit, White Espadrilles, White Sneakers, Gogirl Freebie Glasses#

Became stripey when I went out with my Mom on January 1st in 2011. Yeayyy It's new year already! Hoping that this year will be a wonderyear for me. Fufufu I also hope that I'll have a better result later cause on January 10th I have my final exam for this smt (- 3-)~~
Huumm today is my first day to collage since my holiday is over and now I'm still working my task while blogging at the same time hahah really hate that task. But it has to be collected by tomorrow so I'm going to do it until late, yup and the worse thing is that I have to wake up on 5.30 am tomorrow yeaaa.... I guess I'm not going to have a stripey jumpsuit only but also a stripey eyes tomorrow morning nyeenyeeenyee :P
May God Bless Me,,
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